Wed, 12 September 2018
The Best of East Texas High School Footballbrought to you by Peak Realty Terry Bennett and various guests each week talk about the black and blue that is bEast Texas high school football bEast Texas Report 091318Teams mentioned: Gilmer, West Orange-Stark, Van, Marshall, Carthage, Kilgore, Henderson, Paris, Newton, Texarkana Pleasant Grove, Gilmer Harmony, Elysian Fields, West Rusk, Whitehouse, Melissa, Tyler Chapel Hill, Longview, Texarkana Texas, Tyler John Tyler, Tyler Lee, Palestine, Longview Pine Tree, Jefferson, Center, Hallsville, Nacogdoches, Lufkin, Pittsburg, Gladewater, Atlanta, Longview Spring Hill, Texarkana Liberty-Eylau, Stay tuned for all the great shows on the Lone Star Gridiron Sports Network. Links
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