The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show

- Ken Purcell
Chris Doelle sits down with Coach Ken Purcell as the recent horrific incident was the perfect backdrop for a discussion about character and discipline.
- Coach Ken Purcell continues to share his passion for Texas high school football and the vital role played by coaches in making this such a unique and great sport.
- Ken's proposal for dealing with the issue as it relates to the kids
- Chris' more drastic knee-jerk reaction
- Ken tells a story of how he was reminded that we shouldn't let one tragic incident make us overlook all the great kids and all their great accomplishments on and off the field
- Teaching values and character is a big part of Texas high school football
- You only get once chance to make a first impression - here are the keys when you meet someone and shake their hand:
- Firm handshake
- Your eyes
- Your name
- A smile
- You do not have a right to play athletics, that is a privilege.
Do you have something to say about Texas high school football? Call the fan feedback line 713-568-6361 and lets hear what you have to say!