LSG Texas High School Football Coaches Show
Season 03 - Episode 16
The AUTHORITY on Texas High School Football! ™
Chris Doelle sits down with Coppell ISD Athletic Director Joe McBride. In each episode of this groundbreaking series on Lone Star Gridiron, we celebrate the coaches that have made a difference in the lives of people around them.

Listen in as we discuss:
- Schools that played a role in Coach McBride's career, including: Brownwood, Lewisville, Texas Tech University, Angelo State University, San Angelo Central, Magnolia, Austin High, Lewisville Hebron, Frisco Liberty, Coppell, Dripping Springs,
- Coach says he is who he is because of great men
- Smaller colleges are a great learning ground for young coaches
- How recruiting was different "back in the day"
- How his recruiting trips led to great contacts
- Learning offense and defense
- Moves are often about much more than just the position and offer
- Times when you "keep choppin' wood - wake up every day and put on your hard hat"
- Missing the job of being a coach as Athletic Director
- The freedom to play other important roles
- There is no struggle between keeping good coaches and helping them get new gigs
- The transition from focusing on the X's and O's to focusing on lives you touch
- Kids can see if you're phony or real
- The importance of the teenage years in these kid's lives
- The games fade but the times with great men last forever
- Coaches are needed more now than ever
- How to share the value of football
- Adversity will come but football will help you believe you can overcome those trials
- Coach McBride's goals that yet remain
- and much more!
- COACHES: we want to hear your story as well. If you are a current or former Texas high school football head coach, contact us and we will set up a time for your interview!

The LSG Texas High School Football Coaches Show series is brought to you by the book, All I Need to Know I Learned From My Texas High School Football Coach: A handbook of wisdom for parents, young people and yes, even coaches! by Ken Purcell and Chris Doelle.
You can order a copy of the book NOW!!
Call the fan feedback line 713-568-6361 and let us hear what you have to say!
produced by Lone Star Gridiron