The AUTHORITY on Texas High School Football

Chris Doelle is joined by Lee Passmore of the Amarillo Globe News to talk North Texas high school football
Mentioned in the show:
- The bulk of the district games in the area start October 9th
- Teams mentioned (17) Canadian, Albany, Pampa, Stratford, Bushland, Stinnett West Texas, Panhandle, Wellington, Amarillo Tascosa, Amarillo Palo Duro, Canyon Randall, Amarillo, Abilene Cooper, Perryton, Lubbock Monterey, Amarillo Caprock, Lubbock Cooper,
- Midland Lee, Lubbock Coronado, Frisco, Odessa, Childress, Midland, Hereford, Vega, Spearman, Cisco, Happy, Turkey Valley,
- You can follow Lee:
- Twitter:<---- follow him now!!
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-- posted at: 11:56am CST