Lone Star Gridiron
Lone Star Gridiron - the experts in Texas high school football


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February 2014
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23 24 25 26 27 28


The Marketing Drive

Short marketing message that you can use right now!

Welcome to The Marketing Drive with Chris Doelle.

This show is so named because I record it unscripted and unedited on my commute to work. When an idea pops in my head, I hit record. You get my off-the-cuff take on anything related to marketing your business. Be sure to send your show ideas and questions and I will use them for future shows!

Comment below or call in the voicemail line and be on the show 713-568-6361!

Subscribe on these great podcasting platforms:



Produced by Fresh Media Works http://www.freshmediaworks.com

Direct download: MarketingDrive01062015.mp3
Category:Business -- posted at: 2:58pm CST

The Marketing Drive

Short marketing message that you can use right now!

Welcome to The Marketing Drive with Chris Doelle.

This show is so named because I record it unscripted and unedited on my commute to work. When an idea pops in my head, I hit record. You get my off-the-cuff take on anything related to marketing your business. Be sure to send your show ideas and questions and I will use them for future shows!

Comment below or call in the voicemail line and be on the show 713-568-6361!

Subscribe on these great podcasting platforms:



Produced by Fresh Media Works http://www.freshmediaworks.com

Direct download: MarketingDrive12302014.mp3
Category:Business -- posted at: 2:30pm CST

Post game press conference feautured:

  • Coach Jeff Traylor
  • Chase Tate - Sr. WR/DB
  • Kris Boyd - Sr. RB/DB
  • Blake Lynch - Sr. WR/DB
  • Demarco Boyd - Jr. DL/RB
  • McLane Carter - Sr. QB
Direct download: 121914.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:42pm CST

Post game press conference with

  • Head Coach: Jeff Kasowski
  • Senior RB/LB - Mason Pruitt
  • Junior WR/DB - Rayandre Browning
  • Senior OL/DL - Jarvis Jones
Direct download: 121814a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:04pm CST

The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show

Randy Rodgers Recruiting

Chris Doelle talks with Randy Rodgers about the biggest performances in Texas high school football by some great athletes. His expertise is the reason that colleges come to him to figure out the top prospects in the state!


Want to send in your feedback about Texas high school football? Call the fan feedback line 713-568-6361 and lets hear what you have to say!

Direct download: 121714.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:11am CST

The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show

Randy Rodgers Recruiting

Chris Doelle talks with Randy Rodgers about the biggest performances in Texas high school football by some great athletes. His expertise is the reason that colleges come to him to figure out the top prospects in the state!


  • Great performances around the state from
  • Teams mentioned: (34) Links are to team histories (Premium Content)
    •  Katy, Argyle, Navasota, Allen, Euless Trinity, Spring Westfield, Manvel, Canutillo, West Orange-Stark, La Grange, Ennis, Cedar Hill, Dallas Skyline, Henderson, De Soto, Cedar Park, Edna, Gilmer, Celina, Cameron Yoe, Seagraves, Sinton, Cibolo Steele, Crosby, Liberty Hill, Graham, Albany, Bremond, Tenaha, Odessa, Plainview, Lubbock, Odessa, Shallowater, Midland

Want to send in your feedback about Texas high school football? Call the fan feedback line 713-568-6361 and lets hear what you have to say!

Direct download: 120914.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:51pm CST

The Marketing Drive

Short marketing message that you can use right now!

Welcome to The Marketing Drive with Chris Doelle.

This show is so named because I record it unscripted and unedited on my commute to work. When an idea pops in my head, I hit record. You get my off-the-cuff take on anything related to marketing your business. Be sure to send your show ideas and questions and I will use them for future shows!

Comment below or call in the voicemail line and be on the show 713-568-6361!

Subscribe on these great podcasting platforms:



Produced by Fresh Media Works http://www.freshmediaworks.com

Direct download: MarketingDrive12222014.mp3
Category:Business -- posted at: 1:43pm CST

The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show

Chris Doelle sat down for a conversation with Lee Fedora, Head Coach of the Navasota Rattlers. They discuss the record breaking performances by QB Shelton Eppler, WR Tren'davian Dickson and K Michel Martinez as well as a discussion about the "secret sauce" that makes Navasota such a power.

  • Michael Wright's article about the 2014 record breakers for Navasota
  • Teams mentioned: (3) Links are to team histories (Premium Content)

Want to send in your feedback about Texas high school football? Call the fan feedback line 713-568-6361 and lets hear what you have to say!

Direct download: 120414.mp3
Category:sports -- posted at: 10:26am CST

The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show

Randy Rodgers RecruitingChris Doelle talks with Randy Rodgers about the biggest performances in Texas high school football by some great athletes. His expertise is the reason that colleges come to him to figure out the top prospects in the state!


  • Great performances around the state from the previous week as the Regional matchups took place around the state.
  • A look ahead at the Quarterfinal playoff battles
  • Teams mentioned: (34) Links are to team histories (Premium Content)
    • Kennedale, Katy, Argyle, The Woodlands, Navasota, Allen, Euless Trinity, Pearland Dawson, Spring Westfield, Spring, Manvel, Cy Woods, Austin LBJ, Victoria West, Manor, Austin Reagan, Canutillo, Lancaster, Nacogdoches, Alto, Lufkin, Centerville, Richmond George Ranch, Temple, West Orange-Stark, La Grange, Ennis, Dallas South Oak Cliff, Southlake Carroll, Cedar Hill, Klein Oak, Refugio, Mason, Dallas Skyline,

Want to send in your feedback about Texas high school football? Call the fan feedback line 713-568-6361 and lets hear what you have to say!

Direct download: 120114.mp3
Category:sports -- posted at: 7:33pm CST

The Marketing Drive

Short marketing message that you can use right now!

Welcome to The Marketing Drive with Chris Doelle.

This show is so named because I record it unscripted and unedited on my commute to work. When an idea pops in my head, I hit record. You get my off-the-cuff take on anything related to marketing your business. Be sure to send your show ideas and questions and I will use them for future shows!

Comment below or call in the voicemail line and be on the show 713-568-6361!

Subscribe on these great podcasting platforms:



Produced by Fresh Media Works http://www.freshmediaworks.com

Direct download: MarketingDrive12152014.mp3
Category:marketing -- posted at: 12:43pm CST

The Marketing Drive

Short marketing message that you can use right now!

Welcome to The Marketing Drive with Chris Doelle.

This show is so named because I record it unscripted and unedited on my commute to work. When an idea pops in my head, I hit record. You get my off-the-cuff take on anything related to marketing your business. Be sure to send your show ideas and questions and I will use them for future shows!

Comment below or call in the voicemail line and be on the show 713-568-6361!

Subscribe on these great podcasting platforms:



Produced by Fresh Media Works http://www.freshmediaworks.com

Direct download: MarketingDrive12082014.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:09pm CST

The Marketing Drive

Short marketing message that you can use right now!

Welcome to The Marketing Drive with Chris Doelle.

This show is so named because I record it unscripted and unedited on my commute to work. When an idea pops in my head, I hit record. You get my off-the-cuff take on anything related to marketing your business. Be sure to send your show ideas and questions and I will use them for future shows!

Comment below or call in the voicemail line and be on the show 713-568-6361!

Subscribe on these great podcasting platforms:



Produced by Fresh Media Works http://www.freshmediaworks.com

Direct download: MarketingDrive12012014.mp3
Category:marketing -- posted at: 9:06am CST

The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show

Randy Rodgers RecruitingChris Doelle talks with Randy Rodgers about the biggest performances in Texas high school football by some great athletes. His expertise is the reason that colleges come to him to figure out the top prospects in the state!


  • Great performances around the state from the previous week as the Area matchups took place around the state.
  • A look ahead at the Regional playoff battles
  • Teams mentioned: (23) Links are to team histories (Premium Content)

Want to send in your feedback about Texas high school football? Call the fan feedback line 713-568-6361 and lets hear what you have to say!

Direct download: 112514.mp3
Category:sports -- posted at: 6:35pm CST

The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show

Texas high school football scoresChris Doelle  hosts the LSG Playoff Scoreboard Show - here is a replay of that LIVE show. Mighty Mike Wright joins in and they discuss the consequences of the Area playoff scores as they look ahead at the Regional playoffs.


Want to send in your feedback about Texas high school football? Call the fan feedback line 713-568-6361 and lets hear what you have to say!

Direct download: 112414.mp3
Category:sports -- posted at: 11:18am CST

The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show

Randy Rodgers RecruitingChris Doelle talks with Randy Rodgers about the biggest performances in Texas high school football by some great athletes. His expertise is the reason that colleges come to him to figure out the top prospects in the state!


Want to send in your feedback about Texas high school football? Call the fan feedback line 713-568-6361 and lets hear what you have to say!

Direct download: 111914.mp3
Category:sports -- posted at: 9:18am CST

The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show

Randy Rodgers RecruitingChris Doelle talks with Randy Rodgers about the biggest performances in Texas high school football by some great athletes. His expertise is the reason that colleges come to him to figure out the top prospects in the state!


  • Great performances around the state from the previous week.
  • Teams mentioned: (27) Links are to team histories (Premium Content)
Direct download: 111114.mp3
Category:sports -- posted at: 5:05pm CST

The Marketing Drive

Short marketing message that you can use right now!

Welcome to The Marketing Drive with Chris Doelle.

This show is so named because I record it unscripted and unedited on my commute to work. When an idea pops in my head, I hit record. You get my off-the-cuff take on anything related to marketing your business. Be sure to send your show ideas and questions and I will use them for future shows!

Comment below or call in the voicemail line and be on the show 713-568-6361!

Subscribe on these great podcasting platforms:



Produced by Fresh Media Works http://www.freshmediaworks.com

Direct download: MarketingDrive11242014.mp3
Category:marketing -- posted at: 10:13am CST

The Marketing Drive

Short marketing message that you can use right now!

Welcome to The Marketing Drive with Chris Doelle.

This show is so named because I record it unscripted and unedited on my commute to work. When an idea pops in my head, I hit record. You get my off-the-cuff take on anything related to marketing your business. Be sure to send your show ideas and questions and I will use them for future shows!

Comment below or call in the voicemail line and be on the show 713-568-6361!

Subscribe on these great podcasting platforms:



Produced by Fresh Media Works http://www.freshmediaworks.com

Direct download: MarketingDrive11172014.mp3
Category:marketing -- posted at: 9:49am CST

The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show

Randy Rodgers Recruiting

Chris Doelle talks with Randy Rodgers about the biggest performances in Texas high school football by some great athletes. His expertise is the reason that colleges come to him to figure out the top prospects in the state!


Want to send in your feedback about Texas high school football? Call the fan feedback line 713-568-6361 and lets hear what you have to say!

Direct download: 110614.mp3
Category:sports -- posted at: 8:29am CST

The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show

Randy Rodgers RecruitingChris Doelle talks with Randy Rodgers about the biggest performances in Texas high school football by some great athletes. His expertise is the reason that colleges come to him to figure out the top prospects in the state!


Want to send in your feedback about Texas high school football? Call the fan feedback line 713-568-6361 and lets hear what you have to say!

Direct download: 102814.mp3
Category:sports -- posted at: 10:16am CST

Yes, the show is back... but no, it will not be a regular thing.  I have just been tweaking some settings on several of my podcast feeds and decided to record a quick one while I was doing my morning walk.


Ain’t No Reason by Brett Dennen
(This song was a bonus track in the 05-06-07 PMC Top 10)

(Time: 11:31)

Direct download: RWTWD_20141026.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:20pm CST

The Marketing Drive

Short marketing message that you can use right now!

Welcome to The Marketing Drive with Chris Doelle.

This show is so named because I record it unscripted and unedited on my commute to work. When an idea pops in my head, I hit record. You get my off-the-cuff take on anything related to marketing your business. Be sure to send your show ideas and questions and I will use them for future shows!

Comment below or call in the voicemail line and be on the show 713-568-6361!

Subscribe on these great podcasting platforms:



Produced by Fresh Media Works http://www.freshmediaworks.com

Direct download: MarketingDrive11102014.mp3
Category:marketing -- posted at: 9:39am CST

The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show

Randy Rodgers RecruitingChris Doelle talks with Randy Rodgers about the biggest performances in Texas high school football by some great athletes. His expertise is the reason that colleges come to him to figure out the top prospects in the state!


Want to send in your feedback about Texas high school football? Call the fan feedback line 713-568-6361 and lets hear what you have to say!

Direct download: 102214.mp3
Category:sports -- posted at: 3:33pm CST


Direct download: 985_-_Talking_indie_music_with_Hap_M.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:10am CST

The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show

Randy Rodgers RecruitingChris Doelle talks with Randy Rodgers about the biggest performances in Texas high school football by some great athletes. His expertise is the reason that colleges come to him to figure out the top prospects in the state!


Want to send in your feedback about Texas high school football? Call the fan feedback line 713-568-6361 and lets hear what you have to say!

Direct download: 101314.mp3
Category:sports -- posted at: 5:01pm CST

The Marketing Drive

Short marketing message that you can use right now!

Welcome to The Marketing Drive with Chris Doelle.

This show is so named because I record it unscripted and unedited on my commute to work. When an idea pops in my head, I hit record. You get my off-the-cuff take on anything related to marketing your business. Be sure to send your show ideas and questions and I will use them for future shows!

Comment below or call in the voicemail line and be on the show 713-568-6361!

Subscribe on these great podcasting platforms:

Produced by Fresh Media Works http://www.freshmediaworks.com

Direct download: MarketingDrive11032014.mp3
Category:marketing -- posted at: 2:58pm CST

The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show

Randy Rodgers RecruitingChris Doelle talks with Randy Rodgers about the biggest performances in Texas high school football by some great athletes. His expertise is the reason that colleges come to him to figure out the top prospects in the state!


  • Great performances around the state from the previous week - who really got rocked the gridiron!
  • Teams mentioned: (25) Andrews, Big Spring, Cuero, Giddings, Pearland, Pearland Dawson, Katy, Katy Seven Lakes, Spring Westfield, Spring, Leander, Leander Vandegrift, Lago Vista, Cedar Park, Richmond George Ranch, Richmond Foster, Rosenberg Terry, Lamar Consolidated, Katy Cinco Ranch, Dallas Highland Park, Mesquite Horn, Stephenville, Brownwood, Waskom, Arp
  • Randy will be touring Central Texas this week.

Want to send in your feedback about Texas high school football? Call the fan feedback line 713-568-6361 and lets hear what you have to say!

Direct download: 100814.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:09am CST

The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show

Welcome to Road to the Ride where we take a look at what it actually means to be a Texas high school football player. The struggles to make the team, become a starter, become a star and hopefully earn that full-ride scholarship to play college football.

This season, we are following Freshman, William Lisenby a RB & LB for the Austin Lake Travis Cavaliers.


  • A wrapup of Will's game against Lehman
  • His role will the varsity team
  • The music that pumps him up before a game
  • A look ahead to his next game against Austin High

Want to send in your feedback about Texas high school football? Call the fan feedback line 713-568-6361 and lets hear what you have to say!

Direct download: 20141003RoadtotheRide.mp3
Category:sports -- posted at: 3:04pm CST

The Marketing Drive

Short marketing message that you can use right now!

Welcome to The Marketing Drive with Chris Doelle.

This show is so named because I record it unscripted and unedited on my commute to work. When an idea pops in my head, I hit record. You get my off-the-cuff take on anything related to marketing your business. Be sure to send your show ideas and questions and I will use them for future shows!

Comment below or call in the voicemail line and be on the show 713-568-6361!

Subscribe on these great podcasting platforms:



Produced by Fresh Media Works http://www.freshmediaworks.com

Direct download: MarketingDrive10272014.mp3
Category:marketing -- posted at: 3:29pm CST

The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show

Randy Rodgers RecruitingChris Doelle talks with Randy Rodgers about the biggest performances in Texas high school football by some great athletes. His expertise is the reason that colleges come to him to figure out the top prospects in the state!


  • Great performances around the state as Randy tours East Texas to look at the best athletes in the Piney Woods
  •  Marcus Dowell of Malakoff got it done all over the field as he recovered a fumble for a TD, ran for a couple TD, passed for a TD and blocked a punt for a safety.
  • Teams mentioned: (19) Arp, Nacogdoches, Alto, Lufkin, Tenaha, Refugio, Malakoff, Big Spring, Scurry-Rosser, Channelview, Port Arthur Memorial, Katy Seven Lakes, Katy, The Woodlands, Katy Cinco Ranch, Ennis, Jacksonville, Frankston, Waskom, Wichita Falls Rider, Wylie, Wylie East, Mesquite Poteet, West Mesquite, Geronimo Navarro, La Vernia, Wichita, Tyler, Gilmer, DeSoto, Cedar Hill, Mesquite,

Want to send in your feedback about Texas high school football? Call the fan feedback line 713-568-6361 and lets hear what you have to say!

Direct download: LSG20140930.mp3
Category:sports -- posted at: 3:05pm CST

The Marketing Drive

Short marketing message that you can use right now!

Welcome to The Marketing Drive with Chris Doelle.

This show is so named because I record it unscripted and unedited on my commute to work. When an idea pops in my head, I hit record. You get my off-the-cuff take on anything related to marketing your business. Be sure to send your show ideas and questions and I will use them for future shows!

Comment below or call in the voicemail line and be on the show 713-568-6361!

Subscribe on these great podcasting platforms:



Produced by Fresh Media Works http://www.freshmediaworks.com

Direct download: MarketingDrive10202014.mp3
Category:marketing -- posted at: 11:29am CST

The Marketing Drive

Short marketing message that you can use right now!

Welcome to The Marketing Drive with Chris Doelle.

This show is so named because I record it unscripted and unedited on my commute to work. When an idea pops in my head, I hit record. You get my off-the-cuff take on anything related to marketing your business. Be sure to send your show ideas and questions and I will use them for future shows! As I travel the roads of Texas serving clients in Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, Austin, Waco and every place in-between I will record these. Sorry when I am flying out of state, they frown on recording in the airplane. :)

Comment below or call in the voicemail line and be on the show 713-568-6361!

Subscribe on these great podcasting platforms:

Produced by Fresh Media Works http://www.freshmediaworks.com

Direct download: MarketingDrive10132014.mp3
Category:marketing -- posted at: 2:54pm CST

The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show

Welcome to Road to the Ride where we take a look at what it actually means to be a Texas high school football player. The struggles to make the team, become a starter, become a star and hopefully earn that full-ride scholarship to play college football.

This season, we are following Freshman, William Lisenby a RB & LB for the Austin Lake Travis Cavaliers.


  • A look at what makes a Bye week different
  • Some insight into what William does for fun - you'll never guess what it is!
  • A look ahead at the Austin Del Valle matchup
Bye Week preparation for Austin Lake Travis

Want to send in your feedback about Texas high school football? Call the fan feedback line 713-568-6361 and lets hear what you have to say!

Direct download: 20140923RoadtotheRide.mp3
Category:sports -- posted at: 11:39am CST

The Marketing Drive

Short marketing message that you can use right now!

Welcome to The Marketing Drive with Chris Doelle.

This show is so named because I record it unscripted and unedited on my commute to work. When an idea pops in my head, I hit record. You get my off-the-cuff take on anything related to marketing your business. Be sure to send your show ideas and questions and I will use them for future shows!  As I travel the roads of Texas serving clients in Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, Austin, Waco and every place in-between I will record these.  Sorry when I am flying out of state, they frown on recording in the airplane. :)

Comment below or call in the voicemail line and be on the show 713-568-6361!

Subscribe on these great podcasting platforms:



Produced by Fresh Media Works http://www.freshmediaworks.com

Direct download: MarketingDrive10062014.mp3
Category:marketing -- posted at: 10:43am CST

The Marketing Drive

Short marketing message that you can use right now!

Welcome to The Marketing Drive with Chris Doelle.

This show is so named because I record it unscripted and unedited on my commute to work. When an idea pops in my head, I hit record. You get my off-the-cuff take on anything related to marketing your business. Be sure to send your show ideas and questions and I will use them for future shows!

Are you chasing after perfection? Stop it!! Get out there and make something happen - fix it later!

Direct download: MarketingDrive10012014.mp3
Category:marketing -- posted at: 10:14am CST

The Marketing Drive

Short marketing message that you can use right now!

Welcome to The Marketing Drive with Chris Doelle.

This show is so named because I record it unscripted and unedited on my commute to work. When an idea pops in my head, I hit record. You get my off-the-cuff take on anything related to marketing your business. Be sure to send your show ideas and questions and I will use them for future shows!

Comment below or call in the voicemail line and be on the show 713-568-6361!

Subscribe on these great podcasting platforms:



Produced by Fresh Media Works http://www.freshmediaworks.com

Direct download: MarketingDrive09302014.mp3
Category:marketing -- posted at: 3:53pm CST

The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show

Randy Rodgers RecruitingChris Doelle talks with Randy Rodgers about the biggest performances in Texas high school football by some great athletes. His expertise is the reason that colleges come to him to figure out the top prospects in the state!


  • SoSo Jamabo - dual sport recruit or does he need to choose?  Which will it be?
  • Too many carries for the top RB recruits?
  • Top recruits mentioned: Nick Ralston, SoSo Jamabo, Chris Warren, Joe Fex, Jarrett Stidham, Brennan Wooten, Tobyn Tannehill, Jackson Allen, Kolton Ehler,
  • Teams mentioned: (19) Rockwall, Plano West, Argyle, Dripping Springs, Marble Falls, Cedar Park, Tenaha, White Oak, Lubbock Cooper, Stephenville, Georgetown, Big Spring, Tyler John Tyler, Whitehouse, Tyler Lee

Want to send in your feedback about Texas high school football? Call the fan feedback line 713-568-6361 and lets hear what you have to say!

Direct download: LSG20140922.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:29pm CST

The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show

Welcome to  Road to the Ride where we take a look at what it actually means to be a Texas high school football player.  The struggles to make the team, become a starter, become a star and hopefully earn that full-ride scholarship to play college football. 

This season, we are following Freshman, William Lisenby a RB & LB for the Austin Lake Travis Cavaliers.


Bye week preparations

Direct download: 20140917RoadtotheRide.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:53pm CST

The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show

Randy Rodgers RecruitingChris Doelle talks with Randy Rodgers about the biggest performances in Texas high school football by some great athletes. His expertise is the reason that colleges come to him to figure out the top prospects in the state!


  • How the recruiting process really works
  • Blue Chip Recruiting Roundup
  • Jeron Wilson, JK Dobbins, Jalen Nelson, Nick Ralston, Brooks Burgin, Bralon Hutchison, Hunter Like, Jared Reagan, Tristan Wallace, Jake Oliver, William Caldwell, SoSo Jamabo, Ja'Ron Wilson
  • Teams mentioned: (19) Dallas Highland Park, Celina, Argyle, Katy, The Woodlands, Tyler John Tyler, Tyler Lee, First Baptist, Saint Marks, DeSoto, Springlake-Earth, Booker, Wimberley, Cuero, La Grange, La Vernia, Arlington, Wharton, El Campo, Euless Trinity, Galena Park North Shore, Southlake Carroll, Spring Westfield, Manvel

Want to send in your feedback about Texas high school football? Call the fan feedback line 713-568-6361 and lets hear what you have to say!

Direct download: LSG20140916.mp3
Category:sports -- posted at: 9:51am CST

The Marketing Drive

Short marketing message that you can use right now!

Welcome to The Marketing Drive with Chris Doelle.

This show is so named because I record it unscripted and unedited on my commute to work. When an idea pops in my head, I hit record. You get my off-the-cuff take on anything related to marketing your business. Be sure to send your show ideas and questions and I will use them for future shows!

What do you do to get yourself in the right state of mind before a meeting?  Here are a couple things I do that may be helpful.

Comment below or call in the voicemail line and be on the show 713-568-6361!

Subscribe on these great podcasting platforms:



Produced by Fresh Media Works http://www.freshmediaworks.com

Direct download: MarketingDrive09242014.mp3
Category:marketing -- posted at: 10:26am CST

The Marketing Drive

Short marketing messages that you can use right now!

Welcome to The Marketing Drive with Chris Doelle.

This show is so named because I record it unscripted and unedited on my commute to work. When an idea pops in my head, I hit record. You get my off-the-cuff take on anything related to marketing your business. Be sure to send your show ideas and questions and I will use them for future shows!

Are you asking the right questions?

Decisive by Chip and Dan Heath

Comment below or call in the voicemail line and be on the show 713-568-6361!

Subscribe on these great podcasting platforms:


Produced by Fresh Media Works http://www.freshmediaworks.com

Direct download: MarketingDrive09172014.mp3
Category:marketing -- posted at: 9:51am CST

The Marketing Drive

Short marketing messages that you can use right now!

Welcome to Episode 1 of The Marketing Drive with Chris Doelle.

Today, I wanna talk the most important thing you can say - nothing!

Comment below or call in the voicemail line and be on the show 713-568-6361!

Subscribe on these great podcasting platforms:


Direct download: MarketingDrive09102014.mp3
Category:marketing -- posted at: 2:07pm CST

The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show

Chris Doelle talks with Randy Rodger about the biggest performances in Texas high school football by some great athletes.  His expertise is the reason that colleges come to him to figure out the top prospects in the state!


  • SoSo Jamabo, Kylar Murray, Travin Wallace, Tylan Wallace, Quinten Dormady, Treylon Lasalle, Brennan Wooten,
  • Teams mentioned: (16) Plano West, Garland Sasche, Allen, Fort Worth South Hills, Fort Worth Paschall, Dallas South Oak Cliff, De Soto, Marble Falls, Boerne, Cedar Hill, Dallas Skyline, Galena Park North Shore, Spring Westfield, Manvel, Katy, Houston Lamar,

Want to send in your feedback about Texas high school football? Call the fan feedback line 713-568-6361 and lets hear what you have to say!

Direct download: LSG20140909.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:22am CST

The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show

Podcast - Texas high school footballChris Doelle brings you the second installment of the Road to the Ride featuring an interview with Will's father, Danny Lisenby.

Will is a RB & LB for the Austin Lake Travis Cavaliers.   His father, Danny played for the Beaumont West Brook Bruins when the won the state championship in their very first year of varsity play - 1982.

We also talk a bit about what goes on behind the scenes in helping an athlete be ready to play on one of the biggest stages in the state.

Want to send in your feedback about Texas high school football? Call the fan feedback line 713-568-6361 and lets hear what you have to say!

Direct download: 20140908RoadtotheRide.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:37am CST

The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show

Podcast - Texas high school footballChris Doelle brings you the first installment of the Road to the Ride featuring William Lisenby.

Will is a RB & LB for the Austin Lake Travis Cavaliers.  This was his first game as a Texas high school football player and his Freshman team down Waco Midway 37-10.  With this game he has officially earned his spot in The Brotherhood of Texas High School Football.

In this show we talk about the game, what is coming up for Will and his teammates and just took a few minutes to introduce William to the Lone Star Gridiron audience.  Stay tuned each week as we learn more about Will's journey from high school freshman to college.

Want to send in your feedback about Texas high school football? Call the fan feedback line 713-568-6361 and lets hear what you have to say!

Direct download: 20140829RoadtotheRide.mp3
Category:sports -- posted at: 8:07pm CST

Coach Interview – Scott Surratt (Carthage)

The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show

Podcast - Texas high school football

Alex Borrell brings you a special interview with Coach Scott Surratt of the Carthage Bulldogs.


  • A look at all of the coaching stops enroute to his four state championships coaching at Carthage.
  • A breakdown of some of the great players on previous teams as well as this season. Ryan Mallett, Anthony Morgan, Blake Bogenshutz, Jerry , Marquis Gwinn, James Marshall,
  • Some props for the strength of East Texas football talent and coaches
  • Teams mentioned: (0) Carthage, Texarkana Texas High, Redwater, Little Cypress-Mauriceville, Linden Kildare, Waxahachie, Kilgore, Henderson, Tyler Chapel Hill, Texarkana Liberty-Eylau, Texarkana Pleasant Grove, Palestine, A&M Consolidated, Navasota, Argyle, Liberty Hill,

Want to send in your feedback about Texas high school football? Call the fan feedback line 713-568-6361 and lets hear what you have to say!

Lone Star Gridiron
Contact LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Google Plus

Direct download: LSG20140809.mp3
Category:sports -- posted at: 9:01am CST

The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show

Alex Borrell brings you a special interview with Coach David Raffield of the A&M Consolidated Tigers.


  • A breakdown of his stops from a junior high coach in Alief to a championship contender at A&M Consolidated
  • A look at some of the key players on offense and defense
  • Insight into his coaching philosophies
  • Analysis of Region II and District 18-5A
  • Teams mentioned: (24) A&M Consolidated, South Houston, College Station High, Cypress Falls, The Woodlands, The Woodlands College Park, Brenham, Bryan, Bryan Rudder, Livingston, Oak Ridge, Huntsville, Caney Creek, Stamford, Carthage, Austin Westlake, Longview, Temple, Manor, Waco, Fort Bend Elkins, George Ranch, Richmond Foster, Magnolia West

Want to send in your feedback about Texas high school football? Call the fan feedback line 713-568-6361 and lets hear what you have to say!

Direct download: LSG20140721.mp3
Category:sports -- posted at: 11:47am CST

The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show

Alex Borrell brings you a special interview with Whitney Keeling of the Waskom Wildcats.


  • A breakdown of his stops from his college days at Stephen F. Austin to being a championship contender as the head man for the Waskom Wildcats
  • Some conversation about their offensive play style and RB Junebug Johnson
  • Teams mentioned: (25) Waskom, Jacksonville, Kilgore, Texarkana Pleasant Grove, Mart, Brownwood, Linden, Elysian Fields, Tarleton, Hughes Springs,

Want to send in your feedback about Texas high school football? Call the fan feedback line 713-568-6361 and lets hear what you have to say!

Direct download: LSG20140711.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:31am CST

Alex Borrell sits down with LSG 2013 Class 5A Coach Of The Year - Allen’s Tom Westerburg.

They discuss his career past, present and future.

Direct download: LSG20140704.mp3
Category:sports -- posted at: 12:55pm CST

Just a quick show to talk about a notice I got on my phone this morning from Google.

It is getting crazy just how much of your life is available online and how closely you are being tracked.  The age old debate of that being a tool for good or a tool for evil jumps to mind right away.  Give it a listen and let me know what you think.

(Time: 3:41)

Direct download: RWTWD_20140521.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:43am CST

In this episode of the Little Texas Cottage Podcast, Chris sits down with Clay Sheffield of The Cool Dude Air Conditioning & Heating to discuss how you go about choosing the AC/heater system for your new home.

We discuss:

  • Location
  • Building structure
  • Pricing
  • Selecting your vendor

Guest - Clay Sheffield - The Cool Dude AC & Heating


netzero, rainwater, solar, custom, building,

Direct download: LTC201405019.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 12:51pm CST

In this episode of the Little Texas Cottage Podcast, Chris and Dawn discuss her recent trip to one of the big box stores.

We discuss:

  • Flooring
  • Windows
  • Carpeting

Guest - Dawn Doelle


Direct download: LTC201405013.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:51pm CST

In this episode of the Little Texas Cottage Podcast, Chris sits down again with Chris Maxwell-Gaines of Innovative Water Solutions.

We discuss:

  • What components make up a rainwater collection system?
    • Collection surface (roof)
    • Conveyance (piping)
    • Storage (tank)
    • Pump
    • Filtration
  • Sizing the storage tank (20,000 gallons = 22 feet diameter)
  • Our tank will be a Pioneer tank

Guest - Chris Maxwell-Gaines Innovative Water Solutions

Direct download: LTC20140418.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:55pm CST

In this episode of the Little Texas Cottage Podcast, Chris sits down with Chris Maxwell-Gaines of Innovative Water Solutions. IWS is who we have chosen to install our rainwater collection system.  These guys are hands-down the best at what they do as they have been way ahead of the water issues in Texas.  Chris started IWS ten years ago this month in a visionary step to bring his passion for rainwater collection to Texas.

Clay discusses the what and why of collecting rainwater.

Guest - Chris Maxwell-Gaines Innovative Water Solutions

Direct download: LTC20140327.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 3:42pm CST

In this episode of the Little Texas Cottage Podcast, Chris sits down with Clay Sheffield of The Cool Dude Air Conditioning & Heating.  Clay will be providing the HVAC system in our house and there have been some major changes in the A/C world that have made units quite a bit more efficient.

Clay talks about the American Standard unit that will be going into this house.

Guest - Clay Sheffield The Cool Dude AC & Heating

Heating, cooling, texas, air condition

Direct download: LTC20140320.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:26pm CST

Chris & Dawn Doelle - Little Texas Cottage

Welcome to the very first episode of the Little Texas Cottage podcast.  In this series, we will discuss anything and everything related to building our green dream in Central Texas.

The obvious place to start was with the source and inspiration for the entire project, my wife, Dawn Doelle.  I could explain what makes this story, our story, so unique but not nearly as well as she does.  Give a listen as Dawn breaks down what we are doing.

Direct download: LTC20131206.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:12pm CST


First off, I have to apologize again for the very OLD intro music - I haven't lived in Houston for more than seven years.  I promise I will get a new intro made eventually.

In this episode of Riding with the window down... I decided to crank out a quick show based on a conversation I had about what made Texas men different.  As I state in the show, there will be plenty of folks out there who disagree and I'm cool with that.

Let me know what you think.

(Time: 6:08)

Direct download: RWTWD_20140319.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 3:41pm CST

The Leading Texas High School Football Radio Show

Chris Doelle and "Mighty" Mike Wright bring you up to speed on the biggest news in Texas high school football.


  • Our breakdown of some of the major stories surrounding the UIL Realignment and Reclassification
     includes the following:
    • The addition of Class 6A
    • Teams moving up and down in classifications
    • Changes to the Division I & II classification before the season starts in more classes
    • What is to become of 5ATexasFootball, 3ADownLow etc.?
    • A conversation with Carl Padilla
    • West Texas athletic directors request for 2 districts in both 6A and 5A
    • Redesign on the website to coincide with our 10th year anniversary!
    • Signing Day coming up
  • Teams mentioned: (49) Wolfforth Frenship, Denton Guyer, Humble Summer Creek, Longview, Austin Lake Travis, Katy, Ganado, Dallas Highland Park, Cibolo Steele, Friendswood, Lufkin, Abilene Copper, San Marcos, Abilene, Carthage, Gilmer, Tatum, Bushland, Godley, Salado, Refugio, Allen, Strake Jesuit, Schulenberg, Weimer, Shiner, Flatonia, Gladewater, Atlanta, Pleasant Grove, Spring Hill, Kilgore, Paris North Lamar, Texarkana Liberty-Eylau, Henderson, Stephenville, Pittsburg, Port Neches-Groves, Port Arthur Jefferson, Ben Bolt, La Villa, Midland, Odessa, Amarillo, Lubbock, Amarillo, Amarillo Palo Duro, Amarillo Caprock, Lubbock Monterrey,

Want to send in your feedback about Texas high school football? Call the fan feedback line 713-568-6361 and lets hear what you have to say!

Lone Star Gridiron
Contact LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Google Plus

Direct download: LSG20140129.mp3
Category:sports -- posted at: 12:01pm CST