Top Texas Prospects
brought to you by To God be the Glory Sports
Season 4, Episode 11

Episode notes:
Matt and Marc welcome this episode's guest, Keyshawn Walls, RB at Hooks High School in the Texarkana region of Texas. He's a junior at Hooks HS, in the class of 2024. He's very well spoken and a leader on the football team. As a sophomore in high school, he had over 1600 yards and 24 touchdowns. Keyshawn also plays basketball for the Hooks Hornets. His favorite subject is English and he maintains a GPA of 3.7.
Follow him on Twitter here:
Matt Davidson (Twitter @MDZgo)
Marc Henry (Twitter @Marchen44)
Laura Leigh Majernik
Dan Kueck
email: producer [at] txtpshow dot com
Editing: Dan Kueck
email: tech [at] txtpshow dot com
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-- posted at: 11:50am CST