Mon, 9 December 2024
Wimberley Press Conference 120924brought to you by Wimberley Ace Hardwareand Chris Doelle sits down to discuss the Wimberley Texans with their head coach, Doug Warren. Wimberly Texans Press Conference - December 9th, 2024Subject: Coach Doug Warren discusses the thrilling win against Sinton, upcoming semi-final matchup against Waco La Vega, and team health. Main Themes:
Key Facts and Takeaways:
Notable Quotes:
Overall Sentiment: Coach Warren exudes confidence in his team's ability while acknowledging the difficult challenge ahead. He emphasizes the importance of playing disciplined, physical football to secure a victory against Waco La Vega and advance to the state championship game. SPONSORSHIP: If you'd like to find out how to sponsor an upcoming episode, contact us and we get you out there! Call the fan feedback line 713-568-6361 and let us hear what you have to say!produced by Lone Star Gridiron
Direct download: Wimberley_120924.mp3
Category:Inside the Locker Room Coaches Show -- posted at: 1:22pm CST |
Sun, 8 December 2024
The script of this podcast episode features a conversation between Cheyenne and Stephanie, discussing their recent Thanksgiving experiences and reminiscing about past holidays. They talk about the Cheyenne's first 'grown-up Thanksgiving', childhood memories, and family traditions such as making beans and sausage balls. They then transition to a larger theme about realizing when they first felt like adults and how their perspectives on adulthood have evolved. They touch on significant life milestones like getting married, moving away, and becoming parents. The episode also includes a shout-out to Futures Academy and a promotion for the Brace for Impact Parent Expo in March.
Brought to you by:
Futures Academy |